Friday, July 24, 2009


Photoshop can just kill itself for being so irritating!
(esp. when there's time constraint)

1am and I've just started on the editing, EBP is still on so I've got to reach school at 715 even though its a late friday;

I spent alot of time doing still life today cause I can't talk and paint at the same time, stayed in school till 7 plus with a TERRIBLE gastric. Result of eating only potato wedges, milk and sarah's TUNA sandwich the entire day. D:

New resolution: Learn to Eat+talk/paint+talk at the same time.

We found a new waxing tape in the art room today, painless and inexpensive LOL. Those kind of wiring tape works well, although it sounds mighty gross. JUST FOR FUN LA. Been singing and laughing like a mad person while the rest were having MT listening compre. Kay there were some jokes too. MJ's ABC and Ben got stuck in our heads for ages, guess what, ITS STILL SWIMMING AROUND IN MY HEAD.

I obviously don't miss LC, but somehow I miss chinese a teeny bit.

Band farewell chalet @ pasirris (coasta sands I THINK) tomorrow, I'd be staying over so seeyou on saturday! (hopefully this blog would be more interesting by then)

Must buy tuna tomorrow on saturday!

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